I love the work that is done at the shelter

  I love the work that is done at the shelter to help people that really need a helping hand. It makes sense to me that the shelter’s philosophy is not simply about providing families with a place to live, in comfort and safety, but in addition there is...

The  focus on keeping vulnerable families

I have had the honor of witnessing SKP HOPO’s effectiveness in connecting its physical shelter and holistic support resources to social care services for Roma families and households at-risk of displacement and disruption. Today, SKP HOPO’s campus...

Shelter for families in crisis

SKP HOPO is a special Family Program because it offers more than basic shelter it provides activities that enrich the lives of its residents such as reading programs and crafts for the children, and music and events on the grounds with the Horní Počernice community....

V každém je schopnost žít spokojený život

Věřím, že v každém je schopnost tvořit a žít spokojený život. Někdy ale tuto schopnost v sobě najdeme jenom za podpory jiných lidí. Já osobně jsem takové lidi na své životní cestě potkala. Proto jsem ani na chvíli nezaváhala, když mě SKP HOPO požádalo o spolupráci....